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Entrepreneurial universities: exploring the academic and innovative dimensions of entrepreneurship in higher education
发布时间:2018-07-27 编辑: 点击次数:86

英文标题: Entrepreneurial universities: exploring the academic and innovative dimensions of entrepreneurship in higher education

作者:Rui Hu; Yifan Wang; Peng Bin; Yinghua Ye

来源:Higher EducationVolume 76, Issue 1. 2018. PP 183-186 DOI: 10.1007/s10734-017-0197-y


This book review introduces Marta Peris-Ortiz, Jaime Alonso Gómez, José M. Merigó-Lindahl, and Carlos Rueda-Armengot’s book entitled Entrepreneurial universities: exploring the academic and innovative dimensions of entrepreneurship in higher education . Entrepreneurship is an expression of the talent of human creation, and the concept of the entrepreneurial university is the most well-articulated item in the evolution of the university towards the requirements of the knowledge-based society. However, two main questions are still under-explored: what are the core features of entrepreneurial universities, and what kind of activities related to innovation and entrepreneurship does arise in academic setting? The book can be grouped into three main sections: one concerns the entrepreneurial education of students provided by entrepreneurial university; the sections confirm the entrepreneurial initiatives and activities of entrepreneurial universities, which contribute to innovation and technology transfer; and those involve entrepreneurial research in academic setting. The book explores the institutional aspects of entrepreneurship activities to establish entrepreneurial universities. The defect of this book is the slightly lack of longitudinal study and secondary data in entrepreneurial intention and orientation research.