
师资队伍/ teachers
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《社会统计与R语言》 (本科生课程)
《土地信息系统》 (本科生课程)
《ArcGIS高级应用》 (全英文研究生课程)  
《大数据与空间分析》 (贯通课程)


左成超,副教授,2012年博士毕业于英国利兹大学,2012-2015于英国利兹大学从事博士后研究工作,参与牛津大学Jim Hall院士领导的“基础设施转型(ITRC)”七校联合研究项目;2016年加入捕鱼游戏-捕鱼游戏线上 ,入选湖北省人才项目。近年来,围绕土地利用与要素流动的互馈机理、土地利用变化的碳排放效应、国土空间优化等方向开展研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部哲学社会科学后期资助重大项目、中央高校自主科研项目等多项科研项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金及国家社会科学基金项目。以第一作者/通讯作者在Nature Food、Sustainable Cities and Society、Land Use Policy、Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 等高水平期刊发表学术论文多篇。担任Nature Food、Economic analysis and policy、Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy等期刊同行评审。


2016.03-          副教授           华中农业大学             土地资源管理

2012.09-2015.07   Research Fellow  University of Leeds (UK)    应用地理

2011.09-2012.03   Research Fellow   University of Leeds (UK)   应用地理

2007.10-2011.12   博士 (PhD)      University of Leeds (UK)    地理学

2006.09-2007.11   科学硕士 (MSc.)   University of Leeds (UK)   地理信息系统

2002.09-2006.06   工学学士        武汉大学               遥感科学与技术


Zuo, C.*, Wen, C., Clarke, G., Turner, A., Ke, X.*, You, L., & Tang, L. (2023) Cropland displacement contributed 60% of the increase in carbon emissions of grain transport in China over 1990-2015, Nature Food, 4, DOI: //10.1038/s43016-023-00708-x.(SCIE)

Xia, Y.; Chen, H.; Zuo, C.* & Zhang, N. (2022) The Impact of Traffic on Equality of Urban Healthcare Service Accessibility: A Case Study in Wuhan, China, Sustainable Cities and Society, 86(11): 1-15 (SCIE)

Ke, X., Zhou, Q., Zuo, C.*, Tang, L., & Turner, A. (2020). Spatial impact of cropland supplement policy on regional ecosystem services under urban expansion circumstance: a case study of Hubei Province, China. Journal of Land Use Science, 15(5), 673-689, (SCI).

Zuo, C.*, Birkin, M. (2018) Modelling the economic and demographic impacts of major transport infrastructure provision: A case study of UK regions, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2018.01.025 (SCI/SSCI)

Zuo, C., Birkin, M., Clarke, G.*, Fiona, M., and Bloodworth, A. (2018) Reducing carbon emissions related to the transportation of aggregates: Is road or rail the solution? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol.117 pp.26-38 (SCI/SSCI)

Zuo, C., Birkin, M.*, Malleson, N. (2014) Spatial Microsimulation Modelling for Residential Energy Demand of England in an Uncertain Future, Geo-spatial Information Science, Vol.17(3) pp153-169 (SCI)

Zuo, C., Birkin, M., Clarke, G.*, Fiona, M., and Bloodworth, A. (2013) Modelling the transportation of aggregates in the UK: exploring initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions, Land Use Policy, Vol.34 pp 112-124 (SSCI)

Liu, J., Peng, K.*, Zuo, C., & Li, Q., 2022. Spatiotemporal variation of land-use carbon emissions and its implications for low carbon and ecological civilization strategies: Evidence from Xiamen-Zhangzhou-Quanzhou metropolitan circle, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 86, p.104083(SCIE)

Rees, P., Zuo, C., Wohland, P., Norman, P., Jagger, C., Boden, P. and Jasinska, M., (2013), The Implications of Ageing and Migration for the Future Population, Health, Labour Force and Households of Northern England, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, Vol. 6 Issue 2, pp 93-122 (SSCI)