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魏威,男,湖北武汉人,19897月生。20176月毕业于华中科技大学,获工学博士学位(硕博连读);20177月至20188月在日本京都大学任特定研究员,从事基础设施项目管理研究;201810月至20221月在华中科技大学任助理研究员(博士后合作导师:丁烈云院士),从事智能建造与工程管理研究。近年来发面国内外学术论文16篇,授权发明专利3项,担任《Frontiers of Engineering Management》《Automation in Construction》《Construction and Building Materials》《Engineering Structures》等多个期刊审稿人。








[1] Wei W, Ding L, Luo H, Li C, and Li G. Automated bughole detection and quality performance assessment of concrete using image processing and deep convolutional neural networks. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 281: 122576.SCIJCR一区,中科院Top

[2] Wei W, Yuan Y, Igarashi A, Zhu H, and Tan P. Experimental investigation and seismic fragility analysis of isolated highway bridges considering the coupled effects of pier height and elastomeric bearings. Engineering Structures, 2021; 233: 111926.SCIJCR一区,中科院Top

[3] Wei W, Yuan Y, Igarashi A, Zhu H, and Tan P. Experimental investigation and seismic fragility analysis of isolated highway bridges considering the coupled effects of pier height and elastomeric bearings. Engineering Structures, 2021; 233: 111926.SCIJCR一区,中科院Top

[4] Yuan Y, Wei W*, and Ni Z. Analytical and experimental studies on an innovative steel damper reinforced polyurethane bearing for seismic isolation applications. Engineering Structures, 2021; 239: 112254. SCIJCR一区,中科院Top

[5] Kurino S, Wei W*, and Igarashi A. Seismic fragility and uncertainty mitigation of cable restrainer retrofit for isolated highway bridges incorporated with deteriorated elastomeric bearings. Engineering Structures, 2021; 237: 112190.SCIJCR一区,中科院Top

[6] Wei W, Tan P, Yuan Y, and Zhu H. Experimental and analytical investigation of the influence of compressive load on rate-dependent high-damping rubber bearings. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 200: 26-35.SCIJCR一区,中科院Top

[7] Wei W, Yuan Y, Igarashi A, Zhu H, and Luo K. Generalized hyper-viscoelastic modeling and experimental characterization of unfilled and carbon black filled natural rubber for civil structural applications. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 253: 119211.SCIJCR一区,中科院Top

[8] Wei W, Yuan Y, and Gao X. Effects of Large Deformation and Velocity Impacts on the Mechanical Behavior of Filled Rubber: Microstructure-Based Constitutive Modeling and Mechanical Testing. Polymers, 2020, 12(10): 2322.SCIJCR一区,中科院二区)

[9] Yuan Y, Wei W, Tan P, Igarashi A, Zhu H, Iemura H, and Aoki T. A rate-dependent constitutive model of high damping rubber bearings: modeling and experimental verification. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2016, 45: 1875-1892.SCIJCR一区,中科院二区)

[10] Yuan Y, Wei W, Igarashi A, Tan P, Iemura H, and Zhu H. Experimental and analytical studies of seismic response of highway bridges isolated by rate-dependent rubber bearings. Engineering Structures, 2017, 150: 288-299.SCIJCR一区,中科院Top

[11] 李琛, 骆汉宾, 魏威, 徐文胜, 李国卫. 基于图像的混凝土表面裂缝和孔洞检测. 土木工程与管理学报, 2020, 37(06): 118-123.