学术动态/ academic
- Nature Food杂志发表捕鱼游戏 教师耕地位移的碳排放效应方面研究成果2023-03-14
- Spatiotemporal variation of land-use carbon emissions and its implications for low carbon and ecological civilization strategies: Evidence from Xiamen-Zhangzhou-Quanzhou metropolitan circle, China2022-08-11
- The complex ecological network's resilience of the Wuhan metropolitan area2021-12-08
- Interaction Relationship between Urbanization and Land Use Multifunctionality: Evidence from Han River Basin, China2021-12-08
- Multiscale research on spatial supply-demand mismatches and synergic strategies of multifunctional cultivated land2021-09-16
- Do rising housing prices restrict urban innovation vitality? Evidence from 288 cities in China2021-09-16
- Land value creation and benefit distribution in the process of rural-urban land conversion: A case study in Wuhan City, China2021-09-16
- Reduction of carbon emissions through resource-saving and environment-friendly regional economic integration: Evidence from Wuhan metropolitan area, China2021-09-16
- Variance of the impact of urban green space on the urban heat island effect among different urban functional zones: A case study in Wuhan2021-08-09
- Who drives green innovations? Characteristics and policy implications for green building collaborative innovation networks in China2021-06-25
- 捕鱼游戏 举办生物经济转型背景下中国自然资源的保护与开发线上国际研讨会2021-06-09
- The spatial spillover effect of fossil fuel energy trade on CO emissions22021-05-28
- 反转或缓解?突发事件政府回应有效性研究——基于在线文本情感分析2021-02-26
- The effect on poverty alleviation and income increase of rural land consolidation in different models: A China study2021-01-06
- Collaborative networks and environmental governance performance: a social influence model2020-12-30
- 土地系统演变及其驱动机制国际会议在线举行2020-12-25
- 捕鱼游戏 2项成果湖北省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖2020-11-06
- How imbalanced land development affects local fiscal condition? A case study of Hubei Province, China2020-09-15
- Impacts of cropland expansion on carbon storage: A case study in Hubei, China2020-07-11
- Spatial influence of ecological networks on land use intensity2020-07-11